Instrumental Music
Students in all grades are welcome to be part of our Instrumental & Color Guard program in one or more of the following opportunities starting now and during the school year.
Marching Band: brass, woodwind, rhythm (guitar/keyboard piano) instruments and Color Guard;
Orchestra Strings: violin, viola, cello, or bass for school performances and eligibility into the All-Catholic and/or PMEA District 12 orchestras (auditions required);
Jazz Band: open to any brass or woodwinds, rhythm (guitar or keyboard piano), & percussion starting in October for interested students (vocalists also welcome!);
Drum line: open to students looking to perform at school events and basketball games (spaces are limited and audition required);
Indoor Color Guard: competitive indoor guard program during winter and spring seasons
Students wanting to learn more about these and more COHS musical opportunities, please contact COHS Instrumental Music Director, Mr. Norton: